I've been playing around with PSE and wanted to do a word art poster for the 2010 mutual theme ""Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9)
I saw something similar online but it was in English and I needed to have it in German so I played around with Photoshop and came up with this. I really had fun!
For the last half year I hadn't any desire to do anything crafty and then all of a sudden "bam", I couldn't stop! I've been making some cards using my new Cricut Storybook cartridge and some new stamps from Hero Arts. Now I have to keep everything in balance and not forget everything around me (like housework!!). Here are some of the cards I made. Enjoy!
ou have a cricut? Oh I'm so jealous. Maybe someday... :) Your cards look awesome!!! ~Diana Fife