I wonder if we are going to say "two thousand and ten" or "twenty ten". I think I'll post a question on Facebook and see what people think. I just asked the hubster and he's going with "Twenty ten".
We celebrated New Year's Eve with friends (Melissa and Josua were at YSA Snowcamp). We ate, played games, goofed around and had a generally good, fun time. (Who needs alcohol?!?)
I can't believe that I didn't take a picture of Renée - what am I like! I'll ask Wolfang and Curdin if they took any of her.
New Year's Day was spent being really lazy; we didn't get out of bed until lunch time!
The rest of the holidays were spent in much the same fashion. Late to bed, long sleep ins and not much in between! Absolutely lovely!
The kids went back to school on Monday 4th January and normal life started once again. Daniel and I were up at 6.40 reading the Book of Mormon - that was tough believe me! I think I took a nap in the afternoon, I was so tired. I love having this one-on-one with Daniel; it's our special time together. At the moment we are reading in Mosiah where King Benjamin is talking to the Nephites from his tower. It's wonderful to see him understanding the promises that the Lord has given - Keep the commandments and you will be blessed.
We really are blessed! The hubster is now into his 5th year as director of the music school in Rorschach. He is happy and is balanced; the icing on the cake would be for him to be able to perform again.
I've been working on my Project 365 album this week. Once I've uploaded and printed out the photos and journaling I'll post it on here.
Hope you all have a successful 2010.
Hugs all,
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