Friday, 26 November 2010


It was Thanksgiving yesterday in the US and although we don't officially celebrate the holiday here it's still a time when you think about what you are grateful for. All the talks on Sunday were about gratitude and being thankful for what the Lord gives us, and after church we all stayed together for some soup and bread to give thanks for what we have. When I was a child in England we had Harvest Festival which is a tradition since pagan times to give thanks for successful harvests. I remember Harvest Festival during my primary school time. People would bring fruit and vegetables from their gardens or farms, and there was always fresh loaves of bread that made my mouth water. This food was then distributed among the poor and senior citizens of the local community. I remember staying over after school to practice the dancing which we performed. Good times!

I am grateful for so many things that it is impossible to list them all here but here are just a few:
  • Family
  • Husband
  • Children (even if they don't pick up after themselves!)
  • A kind and loving Heavenly Father
  • My Saviour Jesus Christ and His atonement
  • Friends
  • Good health
  • The scriptures
  • Living in a safe country
  • Having enough to eat
  • My husband's job
  • Modern technology
  • Running water
  • trials that make me stronger
  • callings to help me grow
and so on.......this list could go on forever!

I know I am blessed and I count those blessings frequently.

Hugs to you all,


  1. I don't know if you know this, but here in the states. The children and even many organizations collect food for the poor to be distributed throughout the holiday season. What a nice way to celebrate with soup and bread. Yummy! A lot easier than the whole turkey senerio. I was exhausted yesterday buy 5p, but I am grateful that I had something to be exhausted for.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca. I miss having those after-church meals with the ward. :)
